Tryout Schedule

2025-2026 Season Tryout Schedule–Updated 01/03/2025

Registration will open for HS Boys on January 1, 2025, all other groups will open February 15th. 

This page will be updated as new Dates and Times are announced. Below are the  proposed scheduled tryouts dates by gender and age group.  Please note there is a $20 non-refundable tryout registration fee when registering on line before the the registration closes and a $30 registration fee for walk ups.   The tryout fee covers tryouts for both ECNL and RCL teams.  ECNL tryouts will occur the day prior to the start of the RCL tryouts.

Registration will open for the HS Boys age groups on January 1, 2025.   Registration for tryouts for all other age groups will open February 15, 2025.   To register, click on the “Register Now” button below.  All tryouts will be held at Washington Premier’s Complex, located at 5702 44th Street E, Puyallup, WA 98371.

Note: Online registration will close at 1PM on the first day of the scheduled tryout per age group. If you are unable to register online, you can still tryout by showing up at the fields 15 minutes before your age group is scheduled to begin and complete the walk-up player registration process a parent signature will be required and payment must be made.  We accept cards for the $30 walk up registration fee.

Where to Check-in:  Check in for tryouts will be located in the first container in the north parking lot.   This is where you get your tryout bid and link to complete the online walk up form if you did not register on line.   Players under the age of 18 that did not register on line, will need a parent guardian to sign releases.




Birth Year AgeDateTime
2013U13Tuesday May 65:00 - 6:30 PMTBD
2012U14Tuesday May 66:30 - 8:00 PMTBD
2011U15Tuesday May 68:00 - 9:30 PMTBD
2010U16Monday, Feb 246:30 - 8:00 PMTBA
2009U17Monday, Feb 248:00 - 9:30 PMTBA
2008/2007U18/19Monday, Feb 245:00 - 6:30 PMTBA


Birth YearAgeDateTime
Junior RCL--Team Formation 201 & 2017U8 & U9TBDTBDTBD
2018U8April 22 & 236:00 - 7:15 PMTBD
2017U9April 22 & 236:00 - 7:15 PMTBD
2016U10April 29 & 30TBDTBD
2015U11April 29 & 30TBDTBD
2014U12April 29 & 30TBDTBD
2013U13May 7 & 85:00 - 6:30 PMTBD
2012U14May 7 & 86:30 - 8:00 PMTBD
2011U15May 7 & 88:00 - 9:30 PMTBD
2010U16Feb. 25, 266:30 -8:00 PMTBD
2009U17Feb. 25, 268:00 - 9:30 PMTBD
2008/2007U18/19Feb. 25. 265:00 - 6:30 PMTBD


Birth YearAgeDateTime
2013U13Tuesday May 65:00 - 6:30 PMTBD
2012U14Tuesday May 66:30 - 8:00 PMTBD
2011U15Tuesday May 68:00 - 9:30 PMTBD
2010U16Tuesday May 136:30 - 8:00 PMTBD
2009U17Tuesday May 138:00 - 9:30 PMTBD
2008/2007U18/19Tuesday May 135:00 - 6:30 PMTBD


Birth YearAgeDateTime
Junior RCL--Team Formation 2017 & 2016U8 & U9 TBDTBDTBD
2018U8`April 22 & 236:00 - 7:15 PMTBD
2017U9April 22 & 236:00 - 7:15 PMTBD
2016U10April 29 & 30TBDTBD
2015U11April 29 & 30TBDTBD
2014U12April 29 & 30TBDTBD
2013U13May 7 & 85:00 - 6:30 PMTBD
2012U14May 7 & 86:30 - 8:00 PMTBD
2011U15May 7 & 88:00 - 9:30 PMTBD
2010U16May 14 & 156:30 -8:00 PMTBD
2009U17May 14 & 158:00 - 9:30 PMTBD
2008/2007U18/19May 14 & 155:00 - 6:30 PMTBD