Washington Premier’s Return to Play Guidelines and Framework:
Washington Premier will always put safety first for our players, coaches and their families. Our coaches and staff have continued to work to stay connected to players and families and to keep the operation moving during this trying time. This includes putting a safe transition plan to go from our current virtual training environment to on the field live practices.
To help protect our players and members, we are asking everyone pitch in and follow the guidelines that will be set forth for soccer to start back up in the state and back at Washington Premier FC. You may not agree with all the guidelines and/or their effectiveness, however we feel providing extra safety measures is more critical than the inconvenience. We have used US Soccer, WYS, and the ECNL Return to Play Guidelines for this document.
As a reminder, returning to play is a personal choice, and you should feel comfortable determining for yourself if you would like to resume activities in a small group environment. Note: There will be a liability/risk waiver that will be required to be signed by all coaches and players before entering the WPFC Complex. If a player or family does NOT feel comfortable returning in Phase 2, this will not affect their position, status or ability to be placed on the appropriate teams.
Below is our return to play guidelines and expectations. These guidelines are not intended or implied to be a substitute or alternative to professional medical advice.
Our Common Goals:
Get players back to doing what they love, playing soccer = mental & physical wellbeing.
To begin the progression back in a small group approach which through reconditioning and training will prevent injuries and prepare players for larger team trainings and competitions in Phase 3
Establish and practice healthy hygiene habits and social distancing protocols both on and as we enter/leave the fields.
Prove that small group training can provide the framework to advance to Phase 3 of this process, without an increase in team or community infections.
Point of Contact in Case of a Positive Test:
Seth Spidahl – DOC
Email: sjspidahl@gmail.com
Cell: (253) 376-7687
Please support your coach and WPFC in adherence to these safety guidelines.
Prior to attending any training event, each family/player should check his or her temperature at home, and refrain from participation if he or she has a fever (>100.4 degrees F). Please stay home regardless of what is causing your illness.
Prior to participation, staff should obtain verbal confirmation from each participating player that:
a.) The player has not had any close contact with a sick individual or anyonewith a confirmed case of COVID-19.
b.) The player has not had a documented case of COVID-19 in the last 14days.
c.) The player is not currently demonstrating or suffering from any ill symptoms.
Any player reporting or demonstrating symptoms of illness at any pointshould be removed from training (or prohibited from training) and seekguidance from his or her physician before attempting to return to training.
Report any cases to the Point of Contact.
If a person is diagnosed with COVID-19, the entire group must return to self-isolation until symptom-free for 14 days.
To return to WPFC complex, your coach will need appropriate clearance in writing from your medical provider.
WPFC’s Training Model:
Each team will have (2) one-hour sessions per week.
There will be a 15-minute transition window between training sessions.
Training sessions will be designed to have no physical contact.
Players are encouraged to bring their own ball, if not coaches will provide. Players and coaches may share soccer balls provided they only touch the ball with their feet. Coaches will sanitize soccer balls after each training.
Players can a wear mask/face covering while transitioning to and from the fields but should remove the mask during training. Masks should cover the top of the nose to the bottom of the chin.
Players will be assigned a specific training space and training group by their coach. The training group of 5 will remain as consistent as possible during Phase 2 and group attendance will be taken for each session and kept in a log by each coach.
No training bibs will be worn during Phase 2 small group training.
GK Training will not happen in Phase 2, it will be implemented in Phase 3.
When players arrive at their designated spot, backpacks should be spaced 6 feet apart.
Players should bring hand sanitizer and use it when arriving and leaving the complex.
At all times, players should practice social distancing and stay 6 ft. from each other. No high fives, hugs, huddle ups, team cheers, etc.
No sharing of equipment and or water bottles. Please bring your own water bottle with your player’s name on it.
Players should not touch any team training equipment e.g. cones, goals or facility surfaces e.g. gates, locks, mini-goals. Please let the coaches do this.
Restrooms will be cleaned on a regular basis, but players are encouraged to use the restroom BEFORE they come to training.
NOTE: Last slide gives an example of how the training session will be set up. There is no limit on total number of players per field, just groups of 5 or less that are properly spaced apart. We will have one 11 aside team per field, and two 7 aside/9 aside teams per field (one team in each half).
Coach’s Responsibility:
Coaches will be the only individual handling team equipment e.g. cones.
Coaches will take a quick roll call/health status check at the beginning of each practice.
Coaches will take attendance at training for pre-determined small groups.
Masks are recommended to and from field but not required during training.
Coaches will make sure bags and backpacks are appropriately spaced apart from other team training areas and bags/backpacks.
Coaches will adhere to the established practice schedule.
Coaches will have a hand sanitizer for before and after training protocol.
Parent’s Responsibility:
Each parent will be required to sign a Return to Play Risk waiver before ANY training can resume.
Ensure athletes are healthy, check their temperature before training.
If your child becomes ill, contact the primary club contact immediately so notification to the impacted team/training group can take place and any tracking required by the local or state officials.
Enter WPFC Complex no more than 10 minutes before training start time.
Label your child’s equipment to guard against cross-contamination i.e. water bottle.
Be sure your child has necessary sanitizer and cleaning supplies with them at every training.
Parents/Family Members in attendance are in general not allowed inside the complex, on the field, bleachers and benches. If you need to assist your child to their training location that is ok but then please exit the field area immediately.
Follow signage and designated foot traffic paths to promote proper social distancing if you need to enter the facility for any reason.
Parents are encouraged to remain in cars to reduce risk of disease and transmission and should follow social distancing guidelines and not congregate. Face coverings are encouraged and recommended.
In the event of an injury, family members may participate in injury management as necessary but other players should maintain proper social distance. Parent should have contact information of relevant coaching/director staff.
Player’s Responsibility:
Take your temperature daily.
Wash hands thoroughly before leaving for and after training and any time you have had contact outside your home.
Bring and use hand sanitizer with you at every training session. Especially at the beginning and end of sessions. Coaches will have hand sanitizer as well.
Wear mask while in transition to and from the fields. During practice it can be removed.
Enter WPFC Complex no more than 10 minutes before training start time.
Follow signage and designated foot traffic paths to promote proper social distancing.
Leave promptly after practice and no joining another team’s practice – 5 minute window to depart training area.
Do not touch or share anyone else’s equipment.
Bring your own ball to training, label it with your name or initials if possible.
Practice social distancing and place backpack and other equipment at least 6 feet apart from your teammates’ equipment during sessions.
Wash and sanitize all training equipment before and after every training session.
No group celebrations with players closer than six feet, no high fives, hugs, cheers, etc.
Research shows that the best way to maximize social distancing relative to pedestrian foot traffic is by creating one-way flow. At WPFC we will be implementing a foot traffic flow to maximize social distancing. While we don’t have the resources to police the flow of foot traffic, we ask that members observe the signs and help make the complex a safe place for our players and staff.
The double entrance gate by field 2C will be the primary entry point for the north side fields. All players should try to enter to through this entry point. On completion of practice, all players should exit by walking to the far west side (outer boundary of fields 2 and 4) and walk toward 44th street and use one of the following 3 exit gates.
Exit to School parking lot at the SW corner of field 4
South Exit gate between fields 3 and 4
Exit gate between the bleachers on field 3
The pedestrian entry gate approximately in the middle of the fence between the parking lot and grass fields will be the primary entry point for the south side fields. All players should try to enter to through this entry point. On completion of practice, all players should exit by walking to the Far East side (outer boundary of fields 6, 8 and and 10) and walk toward the parking lot staying on the parameter of the fields. At the Far East side of the wooden fence, there is a pedestrian outlet that players should exit through